Custom Software Development Services

High-quality Software Enhancing Your Business Growth

We create tailored software to your business requirements, so you can extract the maximum value from tech solutions

Our Range of Custom Software Development Services

Our team of custom software developers is ready to dedicate their tech talent and experience to build scalable, long-term solutions for you.

Custom software solutions can help you to achieve any business goals you might have in the way compatible with your current processes, capacities and approaches. TechRivo specialists will help you to conceptualize your desired solution and then deliver it in form of web or mobile application.

Implement enterprise software to enhance your processes, improve communications between employees and streamline workflows. Reach the new level of business operations and introduce your company to the era of digitalization with the support of TechRivo development team.

Launch new software products with TechRivo: we will guide you through every stage of the project, from preliminary market researches and business analysis to fully-fledged development and post-launch support. We know how to design and build software that will attract and retain your targeted users.

Adopting new solutions into your current tech environment might be challenging, especially if your old and new software pieces are developed on different technology stack. TechRivo software engineers will help you to overcome these struggle and ensure seamless integration of new systems.

Types of Software Development Methodologies We Use

We have implemented top methodologies for smooth development process and high quality software solutions.


Agile implies an iterative approach to software development and project management that allows to deliver value to the end users faster. Agile software development allows us to maintain flexibility and high productivity of the team, as well as respond in time to arising challenges and changing environments.


DevOps improve technical aspects of the development and deployment; by implementing CI/CD and other DevOps best practices, we manage to achieve lower time-to-market, increase reliability, reduce downtime and failure rate, as well as automate deployment processes for better quality and faster release upload.

Custom Software Development Process

We are a boutique software development agency, which allows us to stay extremely flexible with our clients’ goals and expectations. Hence, we offer these types of cooperation for you to choose the most suitable one for you.

We become your tech partner and back you up with strong tech expertise and skills you may not have in-house. This cooperation model will cover all the needs of businesses developing software products with a wide scope and offer constant access to tech support provided by developers who understand the specifics and complexities of your internal processes and products.

We are the party driving your development process further while following the roadmap we have approved with you beforehand and synchronizing on every crucial decisions we are making. We take your project through the stages of planning, designing and building, launching and post-launch management. This allows us to ensure high-quality of the solution and provide you with great customer experience.

We can strengthen your team with tech talents’ of our developers, while you still preserve the full control over the software development process. After the interviewing, our specialists join your team and dedicate their work efforts to your project at the same level as your in-house employees, while our side takes care of administrative aspects as compensation, benefits, equipments, etc.

Value of Custom Software Development

The acquisition of custom software solutions is a step that will bring a lot of benefits to businesses.

Full Control ​

You are the owner of the code and the solution itself, meaning you don’t depend on third parties to make any crucial decisions on further growth direction or customization. It also gives you an additional layer of protection from intrusions and cyber threats.

Competitive Edge​

Custom software helps you to gain advantage over your competitors who might be limited in their growth by the usage of ready-made solutions. In turn, you are completely free to use and transform your custom system to enhance your efficiency and generate more value.

Tailored Fit

Ready-made solutions are put in certain frameworks that might not fit your business processes or requirements. Custom software can be designed as you need it to be, so there is nothing stopping you from accessing the full potential.

Our Technology Stack


A JavaScript library


A container orchestration system


A JavaScript framework for static site generation


A containerisation platform


A high-level, class-based, object-oriented programming language

Industries we serve

Case Study 

TechRivo empowered the luxembourgish 🇱🇺 banking system with a customised software to prevent money laundry in financial operations. 

The AML/KYC application, powered by state-of-art AI, helps financial operators to proper identify the companies and individuals with whom they have comercial relations. 


Custom software development is a process of building a new software piece tailored to the unique requirements and needs of the company ordering it. It might be the development of web system, mobile application, cross-platform solutions, etc.

TechRivo, as a boutique software development agency, offer full-cycle development of custom solutions, enterprise systems, product development and software integration.

Usually, they include requirements gathering and scope forming, architecture and design creation, coding, quality assurance, deployment and maintenance.

Custom software development cost depends on different factors like the scope of the project, its difficulty, tech stack, etc. Every project needs to be assessed in details, so feel free to reach out to our managers to get your evaluation. 

TechRivo is a boutique company, meaning that we work only with a few projects simultaneously. This allows us to dedicate our full attention and expertise to your case and ensure high results.

What our clients say about our services.

If you are not confident where to start, one of our specialists can help you in a free consultation meeting.